Our Impact

Data Highlights Spring 2023

$173 M
Student Savings: Since ALG's inception in FY 2014-2015, USG-sponsored textbook affordability programs have saved students more than $173 million. ALG Transformation Grants: $136 million; eCore and eMajor: $37 million
1.3 M
Students Affected: Our student savings have affected more than 1.3 million student course enrollments. Textbook Transformation Grants: 959,000 enrollments; eCore and eMajor: 434,000 enrollments
Projects Funded: All 26 USG institutions have participated in ALG's grant program, with more than 800 applications received and over 600 funded projects.

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For questions about ALG’s savings data and grant reports, please contact Jeff Gallant at affordablelearninggeorgia@usg.edu.